View for prepare sequence.
Station SelectorAt the start, a list of all items with graph is shown. Double-click on it to display the process editor.
Process editorYour branches are at the top of the process editor. To create a new one, click the "Create branch" button.
Branch EditorThe branch editor supports working with types. You can choose which types the selected branch works for.
If you want to create a new type, you can click the type editor button.
Type editorYou can delete or edit existing types in the project. To create a new one, click add.
Type CreatorThe name field is
Step EditorTo add a new step, just click the "add step" button and the step editor will appear.
The Shortcut Name field is
The Comment field is
Actions must be unique to create new you need to click "Add Action"
Action CreatorAction Element is the structure element which is responsible for action.
Executor type is kind of executor element. this could be ventil or tool on robot.
Robot executors will show after define robot tool in configuration section.
Action Executor is specified element which will perform the action.
Action is the information what this tool/element will do.